How to solve the blockage and resistance loss of filter element of vacuum pump

Addtime: 2020-07-17 Browse times: 3205

But any kind of product has a service life, in the use process or can not avoid various problems, vacuum pump filter element resistance and blockage is one of the two problems, always bothering consumers, let me tell you how to solve this problem!

1、 Resistance loss

If you want to solve the problem, you need to find the root of the problem. Edwards vacuum pump filter element resistance loss is the same, we must find out the reason for the resistance loss, what causes the filter element resistance loss, so as to find each reason corresponding to each method.

There are two main reasons for the resistance loss of Edwards vacuum pump filter element, one is the change of geometry. In this case, the filter element should be removed to see the degree of deformation. If it is slightly deformed, it can be slightly repaired and reused. If it is severely deformed, it will not be used any more, or it will aggravate the damage of the vacuum pump.

The other reason is that high temperature oxidation and water droplet atomization cause impurity particles in the filter element of Edwards vacuum pump, which leads to the loss of filter element. Some are left over during cleaning. At this time, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the filter element. First, use a brush or blower to get out the impurity particles, and then clean them with cleaning agent, so as to avoid any impurities left behind.

The above are two ways to solve the resistance loss of vacuum pump filter element. I hope you can use and maintain it correctly and prolong its service life as much as possible.

2、 Clogging

An effective way to solve the blockage is to install the vacuum pump exhaust filter element. When the vacuum pump filter element is working, it will filter some impurities in water or oil. After installing the vacuum pump exhaust filter element, it will absorb the impurities in the oil in the water. In this way, the Edwards vacuum pump can work in a clean environment, and the blockage of the vacuum pump will be avoided.

In addition, in addition to clogging, the vacuum pump filter element also needs daily maintenance and maintenance. The staff should carefully listen to the sound of the vacuum pump for noise, check the vacuum pump filter element for impurities, and check whether there are oil stains at the exhaust port. If there is any abnormal situation, the master should immediately repair or replace the parts.

The above is to tell you how to solve the problem of vacuum pump filter plugging, we must carefully observe its operation to ensure normal operation.

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