How to improve the pumping speed of rotary vane vacuum pump

Addtime: 2020-07-18 Browse times: 2970

We all hope that the geometric pumping speed of the vacuum pump can be increased as much as possible without increasing the overall size of the rotary vane vacuum pump. There are several ways for you to choose from.

1. Increase the speed

The geometric pumping speed can be greatly increased with the increase of rotating speed. On the contrary, if the required pumping speed is fixed, the geometric size of the pump can be reduced by increasing the rotational speed. Direct coupled pump is an example;

2. Increase the number of spindles

Although increasing the number of blades does not increase the pumping speed in direct proportion to the increase of rotating speed, it also has unique advantages, that is, the speed has reached a certain high value when using the direct connection structure, and then the pumping speed can be increased without increasing the maximum linear speed, and the vibration can be reduced and the limit vacuum degree can be increased;

It is also relatively simple to increase the number of rotors in the structure, so this is a promising way to improve the geometric pumping speed. Of course, the use of multiple rotors will increase the friction, so better measures must be taken to cool the pump;

It can be seen from the above that the development direction of vane pump should be high-speed direct coupled with multi rotating vane, and it is possible to realize multi rotating vane pump.

In order to improve the rotating speed of the rotary vane vacuum pump, the rotor and rotor can be redone and improved according to the above methods.

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