Addtime: 2020-07-16 Browse times: 2922
The main impact on the vacuum pump layout, such as vacuum pump.
1. Influence of pump body layout:
As for the single-stage vacuum pump, the simple wear part is the steam nozzle. After the nozzle is worn, it will not only affect the function of the pump, but also add the operating cost of the system.
2. Environmental impact:
The environmental impact mainly refers to the pollution of the system caused by the extracted gas. In the process of liquid steel disposal, a lot of gas will be released from the liquid steel, and some small particles such as fine oxide scale will be inhaled into the vacuum pump. These small particles will accumulate and adhere to the pump body, reduce the flow conductivity of the suction pipe, prolong the pumping time, and reduce the pumping function of the pump.
3. Influence of condensate water:
Condensate in the multi-stage vacuum pump has an unimportant position, in order to ensure that the condensate water can condense steam fully, the partial pressure of water vapor in the discharge pressure of vacuum pump is necessary to be higher than the corresponding full steam pressure, so the temperature of condensate water should also be lower than the full temperature under the pressure, so as to ensure the normal operation of the pump body. In addition, the condensing power of the condenser is also very crucial. The condensing effect of the condenser is poor, which will make the steam directly enter the next stage pump because of too late condensation, so as to increase the load of the later stage pump and affect the pumping ability of the pump. Therefore, the inlet temperature, flow rate of condensate and the operation of condenser have great influence on the pump function.
4. Effects of steam:
The vacuum pump we use is steam eruption vacuum pump, which takes over full steam as working medium. The condition of steam has a decisive influence on the function of the pump. Wet steam not only affects the function of the pump, but also corrodes the steam nozzle, adding the steam consumption of the pump, which makes the operation of the pump unstable.
5. Effect of internal leakage:
In the whole process of liquid steel disposal, the vacuum degree of the system increases with the reduction of the amount of outgassing. In the early stage of liquid steel disposal, the vacuum degree of the system is low, and the amount of outgassing is large, so the pumping capacity of the former stage pump is required to be large. In order to reduce the steam consumption and save energy, it is necessary to close some of the front stage parallel pumps. The 3a, 3b, 4A and 4B in the pump layout plan are called the front stage pump, or pre pumping pump, and B1 and B2 are called booster pumps. When the whole pump is put into operation, B1 and B2 are opened and 3b and 4B pumps are closed. It can be seen from the layout drawing that the system is connected with 3b and 4B pumps through two check valves. If the two check valves are not switched in place, there may be leakage, which will affect the ability of the system. In particular, the leakage of the valve will form a short circuit in the system, making the upper pump unable to operate normally due to high back pressure, presenting the appearance of double vacuum. Secondly, the nozzle of the vacuum pump is composed of two parts, which are connected by flange. For the vacuum pump with connecting flange in the pump body, if the steam leakage is formed at the joint due to sealing and other reasons, the function of the vacuum pump will also be affected.
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