How to use vacuum pump oil more effectively?

Addtime: 2020-07-18 Browse times: 3037

Vacuum pump is a device that can improve, produce and maintain vacuum in a closed space by various methods. According to the working principle of vacuum pump, vacuum pump can be basically divided into two types, namely gas capture pump and gas transfer pump. It is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, food, electronic coating and other industries. The correct use of vacuum pump oil is very important for the normal operation of vacuum pump, how to use vacuum pump oil more effectively.

On the use of vacuum pump oil cleanliness problems and solutions:

1. The oil loading window must be clean. It is strictly prohibited to expose it to the sun and open air. It should be stored in dark, dry and ventilated places to prevent moisture and dust from mixing in.

2. Oiling appliances must be special equipment, not containers containing other oil or solvent; pumping pump.

3. When taking oil or loading oil, the light rain around the drum cover must be removed to prevent the impurities from mixing into the oil and causing pump wear.

4. When changing the oil, the used oil in the pump body should be drained. After the new oil is poured into the pump, slowly rotate the pump shaft, clean the pump cavity, drain the residual oil, repeatedly clean it for several times, and then replace the new oil after cleaning.

5. When mineral oil is exchanged with ester oil or other synthetic oil, the vacuum pump should be disassembled for thorough cleaning. All parts must be dipped in ester oil to prevent contamination.

6. When the vacuum pump is overhauled, all parts of the pump must be cleaned with solvent or cleaning agent and dried.

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