Addtime: 2020-07-18 Browse times: 5752
Conversion of commonly used units of measurement in vacuum science into vacuum units
1 pa (PA) = 0.0075 Torr = 0.01 mbar = 0.0075 mmHg = 9.89 * 10-6 ATM
Pumping speed unit: (displacement unit)
1 liter / second (L / s) = 3.6 cubic meters / hour (M / h) = 2.12 cubic feet / minute (CFM)
Temperature unit
Degree - centigrade temperature ° F - Fahrenheit temperature K - thermodynamic temperature
Power unit
1 HP = 0.75 kW (kw)
Length unit
1 inch (in) = 25.4 mm (mm) = 1 / 12 inch (FT) = 1 / 36 yard (YD) 1 mile (mile) = 1.609 km (km)
Weight unit
1 lb = 0.4536 kg (kg) 1 oz (oztr) = 31.103 g (g)
Volume unit
1 U.S. gal (US) = 3.7854 L (L) 1 U.S. gal (UK) = 4.5461 L (L)
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